Once upon a wedding night – Avis +

Résumé de l’éditeur An Innocent Deception . . . Lady Meredith Brookshire has every right to Oak Run. Now that she’s suddenly husbandless and penniless, where else would she, her addled father, and spinster aunt reside? Yet who should appear but Nicholas Caulfield, the new Brookshire heir, claiming the estate…

Portrait of a lover – Avis +

Résumé de l’éditeur Picture of deception… Annabelle Lawson knew nothing about the breathtaking stranger she met on the train — only that he’d make an ideal model for the budding young artist…and that she desired him more than she believed possible. But after she’d been seduced, she learned that she’d…

Chill factor – Avis +

Résumé de l’éditeur Cleary, North Carolina, is a sleepy mountain town — the kind of place where criminal activity is usually limited to parking violations. Not so, lately. Four women have disappeared from Cleary over the past two years. And there’s always a blue ribbon left near the spot where…

The music of the night – Avis +

Résumé de l’éditeur Sarah Connolly leaves a past of desperation in London to help an old friend in Venice. There, she discovers dark secrets and a mysterious figure lurking in the shadows. He is Sebastian Grimsthorpe-once carefree, now bent on exacting pitiless revenge on the man who nearly destroyed him.…

The kept woman – Avis +

Résumé de l’éditeur WHEN A GOOD-GIRL DIVORCÉE Playing by the rules has left Samantha Monroe with an AWOL ex-husband, maxed out credit cards, and the task of raising three children on a hairstylist’s salary. It’s time for a new game plan. When Sam learns that politician Jack Tolliver needs someone…

Skylark – Avis +

Résumé de l’éditeur She’d risk everything to save her son. He’d risk everything for a second chance…Not a day has gone by without Stephen Ball thinking of the alluring girl who stole his heart and then married another. Now that Lady Laura Skylark needs his help, he plans to protect…

Interview de Anne Stuart – VO

Il y a quelques temps, après ma lecture ébouriffante de son dernier livre, Ice blue, j’ai envoyé un mail à Anne Stuart. Après lui avoir crié mon enthousiasme je lui ai demandé si elle acceptait de répondre à mes questions pour Onirik. Et elle a dit oui !

Onirik doit être un sésame qui ouvre les portes aussi outre atlantique! En tous cas, voici ses réponses !

Ice blue – Avis +

Résumé de l’auteur Museum curator Summer Hawthorne considered the exquisite ice-blue ceramic bowl given to her by her beloved Japanese nanny a treasure of sentimental value — until somebody tried to kill her for it. The priceless relic is about to ignite a global power struggle that must be stopped…

The vampire who loved me – Avis +

Résumé de l’éditeur Julian Kane is back in town. Once, as a girl of seventeen, beautiful, headstrong Portia Cabot saved the cursed life of the dashing vampire Julian Kane-who marked her forever, then left to go in search of his soul. He returns five years later to find the enchanting…